
2016 have been a very busy year for diabetes. As usual, for the world diabetes month 2016, we had a month long patient and public awareness campaign; more than 50 events, some of which are showcased in this month's Gems video.

Do you know that a fasting sugar of even 100 mg/dL(prediabetes) carries a risk of developing complications? Kesavadev Trust Type 1 diabetes 'Sweet Stars' project has launched the initiation and follow up of free insulin pump for kids with type 1 diabetes.

Our regular updates including Gems Recipe of the Month, Drug updates, JDC updates etc. continue.

We are completing our 98th issue with the blessings of our ever encouraging readers. Thanking you and wishing each one of you a very healthy and happy New Year 2017!

Thanking you once again for the comments and suggestions. If in case you are not interested in receiving this free monthly scientific newsletter, kindly reply with "delete gems" in the subject line to info@jothydev.net and also click the unsubscribe button at the bottom of this page.


JDC Diabetes Gems Team
Jothydev's Diabetes and Research Centres
Trivandrum and Kochi, Kerala, INDIA
+91 9846040055, +91 9746366655

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World Diabetes Month Nov 2016

Diabetes breakthrough: Malaria drugs could generate Insulin-producing cells
Scientists all over the globe have been trying to find a way to replace beta cells – also known as islet cells for a long time to fight type 1 diabetes in particular........READ MORE

Prediabetes causes Increased Risk for All-Cause Mortality
The health risks and mortality associated with prediabetes seem to increase at the lower cut-off point for blood sugar levels recommended by some guidelines, finds a large........READ MORE

Magnesium rich food associated with reduced risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes
A new meta-analysis published in the open access journal BMC Medicine, based on a huge data set of more than 1 million persons shows that a diet rich in magnesium may reduce........READ MORE

Even mildly excessive body iron stores increase the risk of type 2 diabetes
Even slightly higher body iron contributes to the prevalence and incidence of type 2 diabetes, according to research from the University of Eastern Finland. Excess body iron accumulation is a known risk factor of type 2 diabetes in hereditary hemochromatosis, but the results presented by........READ MORE

Gems Picture of the Month
Insulin pump was provided free for a kid with type 1 diabetes as part of P.Kesavadev Trust Type 1 diabetes project(KT1DP) ‘Sweet Stars’ Aid Program with the committed support of UST Global........READ MORE

Short walks after meals beneficial in managing diabetes
New research from New Zealand's University of Otago published tin the journal Diabetologia. suggests that people managing type 2 diabetes should walk after meals to gain the greatest blood sugar-lowering benefits.........READ MORE

Drug updates
Tresiba can now be used in children with diabetes - Synjardy wins FDA Approval - Cancer, weight gain, edema and bone fractures still a concern with long term use of Pioglitazone........READ MORE

Recipe of the month
Celery Garlic Toast - 1. Place the bread slices on a clean, dry surface and apply 1 portion of celery garlic spread evenly on each bread slice.........READ MORE

JDC Updates
Free Diabetes Screening for Police Officers: 23 Dec 2016 - Christmas Celebrations at Jothydev's Diabetes Center, Kochi........READ MORE

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 The Newsletter team:

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 Chief Editor
Dr. Jothydev Kesavadev
 Managing Editor Sunitha Jothydev
 Scientific Editor  Gopika Krishnan (Research Head, JDC Centres)
 Sub Editor Dr. Arun Shankar
 Editor Neethu Annie Simon (Unit head, JDC2, Kochi)

This newsletter is published for free distribution through the Internet for doctors, patients and public for promoting healthy lifestyles.
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