
Type 1 could be a challenging and often fatal disease. With the advancement of technologies and constant training, children can now lead a normal life with normal life span. Read about how Kesavadev Trust Type 1 Sweet Stars Project is gifting a life to eligible children with type 1 diabetes.

We have included the revisions to ADA 2017 practice recommendations in a simple readable format. Gems Picture of the month showcases the first diabetes therapy measured in dose steps not in units or mg.

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JDC Diabetes Gems Team
Jothydev's Diabetes and Research Centres
Trivandrum and Kochi, Kerala, INDIA
+91 9846040055, +91 9746366655

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June 2019
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Libre Pro Indian Experience in first 388 patients at JDC: ATTD, Paris 2017

ADA publishes ADA Clinical Practice Recommendations 2017
Psychological health, access to care, expanded and personalized treatment options, and tracking of hypoglycemia in people with diabetes are key areas emphasized in the American Diabetes Association’s (Association) new 2017 Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes. ........READ MORE

Vitamin D improves gut flora and fights metabolic syndrome
Extra vitamin D can restore good bacteria in the gut, according to a study in mice, giving hope in the fight against risk factors for diabetes and heart disease.........READ MORE

Short-term, low-carb diets better than low-fat diets for weight loss
The Mayo Clinic’s study published in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association finds that low-carb diets are slightly better for weight loss in the short-term, compared with low-fat diets. ........READ MORE

Fenofibrate reduces heart disease risk in some patients with type 2 diabetes
A new study shows that the drug fenofibrate might reduce the risk of cardiovascular events in patients with type 2 diabetes who have high levels of triglycerides and low levels of "good" cholesterol, despite being treated with statins. ........READ MORE

Gems Picture of the Month
Xultophy® 100/3.6 (insulin degludec and liraglutide injection) 100 units/mL and 3.6 mg/mL is a combination of insulin degludec and liraglutide and is indicated as an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. ........READ MORE

Common antioxidant in Kiwi, papaya may guard against liver disease
A new study found that a common antioxidant found in human breast milk and foods like kiwi fruit, papaya, green pepper etc can protect against nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). ........READ MORE

Drug updates
FDA approves Jardiance to reduce cardiovascular death in type 2 diabetes ........READ MORE

Recipe of the month
Mix Veg Paniyaram - • Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. • Heat a paniyaram pan on medium heat. • Brush little oil in the cavities to avoid paniyaram from sticking on the pan. ........READ MORE

JDC Updates
KT1DP Sweet Stars Project - Patient Education Program........READ MORE

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 Chief Editor
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 Managing Editor Sunitha Jothydev
 Scientific Editor  Gopika Krishnan (Research Head, JDC Centres)
 Sub Editor Dr. Arun Shankar
 Editor Neethu Annie Simon (Unit head, JDC2, Kochi)

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