5. Pros and cons of telemedicine in diabetes: survey among doctors and allied HCPs

Poor ATC of diabetes among Indian population increases diabetes prevalence

      This original research from Jothydev’s Diabetes Research Centre was presented at the prestigious 83rd Scientific Sessions in 2023, organized by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) in San Diego.

      The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption and use of telemedicine (TM). A more nuanced view emerged, emphasizing the importance of accommodating patient choice, appropriately matching encounter types to visit platforms, acknowledging the hazards associated with remote care, and adapting existing models of advanced team-based care.

      Jothydev’s Diabetes Research Centre has been practicing TM in diabetes since 1997. The Diabetes Telemanagement System (DTMS®) is a structured diabetes management program integrated with electronic medical records that enables telecommunication via telephone, email, and the internet. The centre conducted a study to assess the pros and cons of TM across a broader group. They conducted a web-linked survey among doctors and allied healthcare professionals (aHCPs) to analyze the advantages and disadvantages they experience while using telemedicine. The survey link was sent to doctors and aHCPs across India from September 2022 to December 2022, via email and WhatsApp. The survey received 654 responses, with 65% being from doctors and HCPs, out of which 89% had not received prior training in engaging in telemedicine consultations.

      According to the survey reports, although the majority of patients may be satisfied with TM, the prevailing practices should be periodically evaluated and upgraded, incorporating feedback from the users. It is essential to understand both the pros and cons of TM from the perspective of doctors and aHCPs, enabling policymakers to devise policies that enhance the scope of quality patient care.

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