JDC Gems

7. Gems picture of the month

Oskar Minkowski (1858-1931)

Oskar Minkowski Seen in the picture is one of the conference halls being named after him at the 7th year of
Jothydev's Professional Education Forum(JPEF) Annual Convention in the year 2018.

      Oskar Minkowski, a German physician, physiologist and a professor at the University of Breslau was a renowned diabetes researcher. Oskar Minkowski introduced the concept that diabetes results from suppression of pancreatic substances - later found to be the hormone insulin.

      In 1889 Minkowski, with the German physiologist Joseph von Mering (1849-1908), discovered that dogs subjected to removal of their pancreas develop the symptoms of diabetes, leading Minkowski to postulate that the pancreas is the site of secretion of an 'antidiabetic' substance, now known to be insulin. This also paved the way for Banting and Best to conduct their experiments and to meet with success.

      Most insulin administered via the intraperitoneal route rapidly enters the portal venous system, therefore; it reaches the liver more quickly without being distributed first in the peripheral circulation. Faster insulin delivery results in a more physiological plasma insulin profile and can lead to an improved blood glucose profile by reducing the frequency of severe hypoglycaemia.

      Minkowski was a sound teacher and a well-liked clinician. He later went on to chair the German Association of Internal Medicine and became one of Europe's leading diabetologists. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize six times during his career. Since 1966, the Minkowski Prize for outstanding original work of a younger investigator in diabetes research has been awarded by the European Association for the Study of Diabetes. Jothydev's Professional Education Forum Annual Convention 2019 had a hall named after this great researcher.

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