10. JDC Updates

IDEF International Speaker Program

IDEF International Speaker Program

On the 3rd of May 2023, the India International Diabetes Expert Forum (IDEF) organized their International Speaker Program at Hyatt Regency, Trivandrum. Dr. Bo Ahren, Senior Professor of medicine, Lund University Sweden, was the invited faculty. The program was coordinated by Dr. B M Makkar, National President, RSSDI. Dr. Jothydev Kesavadev and Dr. A George Koshy served as the program chairs, and they, along with Dr. Bo Ahren, participated in the panel discussion.

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DTechCon: World Congress of Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics 2023

DTechCon: World Congress of Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics 2023

The DTech World Congress of Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics 2023 took place from the 5th to the 7th of May 2023 in Delhi. Dr. Jothydev Kesavadev, president, D-Techcon delivered a talk titled 'From breath to body fluids' during the Technology & Beyond symposium. Both Ms. Gopika Krishnan and Dr. Jothydev panelists for the Workshop on 'Nuts and Bolts of Looping'. In the 'Pump for experts' symposium, Dr. Jothydev discussed 'Maintaining patients on pump therapy in India'. Dr. Arun Shankar presented an original abstract on the 'Real-World Effectiveness of Intermittently Scanned Continuous Glucose Monitoring (isCGM) Device for T2D Management' during the Oral Free papers session. Ms. Anjana Basanth presented another abstract on the 'Assessment of Insulin Injection Techniques as a Cause for Uncontrolled Diabetes' and received the first prize.


 ADECON 2023


The Association of Diabetes Educators (India) organized their 9th annual virtual conference, ADECON 2023. On the 7th of May 2023, Ms. Gopika Krishnan, Director of Academics & Research at JDC, delivered a talk on 'TIR and CGM'.

iSchool-The Insulin Workshop

iSchool-The Insulin Workshop

iSchool, the insulin workshop for practicing doctors in Kerala and Karnataka, was organized by Kesavadev Trust. The workshop took place on the 13th of May at Hotel Residency Towers and on the 14th of May at P. Kesavadev Hall. Dr. Jothydev Kesavadev, Dr. Arun Shankar, Dr. Asha Ashik, Dr. Junaid Naina, and Ms. Gopika Krishnan discussed and spoke on the role and importance of insulin in diabetes management, initiation of insulin, titration, hands-on training, and case discussions. The interactive program also included a short quiz session for the participants, followed by a tour of JDC. Ms. Anjana Basanth delivered the vote of thanks.


 Educational video on EYVA the non-invasive glucose meter

Educational video on EYVA the non-invasive glucose meter

Dr.Jothydev Kesavadev published an educational video on the latest non-invasive glucose meter EYVA. This is the first report on the device.

 Times of India quoted Dr. Krishnadev Jothydev

Times of India quoted Dr. Krishnadev Jothydev

The Times of India article, titled 'Prefer to be guilty of medical negligence than be attacked,' quoted Dr. Krishnadev Jothydev in light of the recent murder of a young house surgeon by a patient.

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