9. JDC Updates

JPEF Mini CME: 19 May 2017

Jothydev’s Professional Education Forum (JPEF) and P.Kesavadev Trust conducted a GLP-1 RA Symposium on 19 May 2017 at Vivanta by Taj. ‘History and Evolution of GLP-1 RA Class of medications’ was dealt by Dr.Ashwin David, 'GLP-1 RA pleiotropic benefits' by Dr.Aneesh Ghosh, 'Lixisenatide: A prandial GLP-1 RA for basal optimization' by Dr.Jothydev Kesavadev and ‘GLP-1 RAS: Similarities and Differences’ by Dr.Thushanth Thomas. Dr.Sumesh Raj, Sree Gokulam Medical College and Dr.Arun Shankar, Unit Head, JDC chaired the sessions.

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57th Anniversary of Janani Arts Club and Library: 13 May

Dr.Jothydev Kesavadev inaugurated the 57th anniversary of the prestigious Janani Arts club and Library at Mudavanmugal, Poojapura.

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Konkalam Powrasamithi 30th Anniversary: 30th April 2017

Dr. Arun Shankar was part of the 30th Anniversary celebrations of Konkalam Powrasamithi. The event was inaugurated by Hon.Deputy Speaker Sri.V.Sasi.

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Diabscreen Kerala Camp: Venjaramood: 15th April 2017

Diabscreen Kerala, P.Kesavadev Trust free tests, classes and treatment camp for diabetes were conducted at Govt.HSS Venjaramood on 15th April in association with Jeevakala Kala Saamskarika Mandalam,Venjaramood. Dr.Arun Shankar led the camp and lectured. The diabetes team members were present. The camp was coordinated by H.Prasad, PRO.

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