4. Potassium-rich diets prevents kidney disease in diabetes (but not in established Kidney Disease!)

Type 2 diabetes significantly increases an individual's chance of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Potassium is a vital mineral involved in the normal functioning of all the cells, tissues and organs of the body but in severe kidney disease potassium restricted diet is necessary, as per the researches till now. A study published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, give new hope for the patients, that diets rich in potassium may help protect the heart and kidney health of patients with type 2 diabetes.

The trial involved 623 Japanese type 2 diabetics, none of whom were currently using diuretic medicines or had any history of CVD. The patients were enrolled between 1996 and 2003 with a median follow-up period of 11 years. This long-term study measured potassium and sodium excretion through urine sampling. The amount of these elements excreted in urine is an accurate indicator of the amount consumed.

The results showed that higher levels of potassium in the participants' urine indicated a lower risk of renal dysfunction and cardiovascular problems. Sodium excretion, on the other hand, showed no correlation. The authors agree with recommendations to restrict energy intake, as is standard practice with diabetic patients, but the lead researcher Dr. Araki warns that a low-calorie, low-sodium diet may also be deficient in potassium.

Dr. Araki believes that raising potassium in diabetes diet plans might prevent ESRD and CVD from developing in individuals, or at least slow its advance however, he warns that the present study is not conclusive evidence of potassium's protective effects on diabetic kidneys. The aim of the study was to spur on further investigation into novel targets for future dietary recommendations, and in that regard, the trial was a success.

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