7. Device Updates

ADAPT study shows improved glycemic control with MiniMed 780G system

ADAPT study shows improved glycemic control with MiniMed 780G system

      The ADAPT study evaluated 82 individuals who were using MDI and an intermittently scanned continuous glucose monitor (isCGM) to manage their diabetes prior to trial initiation. At study initiation, half of the participants were randomized to stay on standard of care, and the rest transitioned directly to the MiniMed 780G system. The study results published in 'The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology' showed improvement in glycemic targets for those that transitioned to the MiniMed 780G system with a significant and sustained 1.4% HbA1C reduction at six months. Those using the Medtronic system also saw a 27.6% absolute increase in Time-in-Range (6.6 more hours/day in target range) compared to those on standard of care without increased time in hypoglycemia. This improvement was even greater overnight when the algorithm was in full control.The ADAPT study illustrates that insulin pump therapy with advanced algorithms, like that of the MiniMed 780G system, can produce significantly improved clinical results versus the current standard of care.

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