3. Why Diabetes treatment fails?

It is a fact that the treatment of diabetes is largely a failure. The reasons are: Diabetes is asymptomatic in the initial 5-7 years and the patients are reluctant to go for preventive investigations and medications. Diabetes being a life long illness, it is common for patients to stop drugs in between and try unproven therapies. Many a time patients are worried about the side effects of the drugs rather than impact of the disease itself and this precludes them from following the treatment ……read more...
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This newsletter is published for free distribution through the Internet for doctors, patients and public for promoting healthy lifestyles. For enquiries, please contact Sunitha Jothydev, CAO, Jothydev’s Diabetes Centre, Trivandrum - cao@jothydev.net. Please visit: http://www.jothydev.net
The first comprehensive outpatient diabetes care center in Kerala