
It is time to energize and rejuvenate with our latest edition of Diabetes Gems from Jothydev's Diabetes Research Centre, Kerala.
Yes, it is true that Indians can develop diabetes at a much lower Body Mass Index compared to the Whites and even the Chinese. The approval of Inhaled Insulin is a reason for both excitement and concern. The time tested Allopurinol is likely to evolve a cheap drug for treatment of kidney disease in diabetes same as Aspirin to heart attack. Read about all these recent happenings in this JDC Diabetes Gems update.

Gems video is on discontinuation of statins by diabetes patients and those at risk. Gems Picture of the month is on Exubera -the ill fated first inhaled insulin.

Gems Recipe of the month, JDC updates continues as usual.

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JDC Diabetes Gems Team
Jothydev's Diabetes and Research Centre,
Trivandrum, Kerala, INDIA