Dear Friends,
We are herewith presenting the eighth issue of our monthly Diabetes News Letter (June 2009) from Jothydev's Diabetes and Research Centre titled "JDC Diabetes Gems". We express our sincere gratitude to our readers, well-wishers and friends for the highly encouraging feedback we have been receiving from the very first issue onwards. We commit ourselves to let our loyal readers base know the latest clinical research results and innovations in diabetes care and hope to touch the patients’ life in a positive way through every edition.
This issue has topics ranging from our own prestigious study presented last week at 69th ADA conference about the significant role CGM playing in motivated individuals in modifying their life style and diet to latest trials giving surprising insights about the working of metformin. We also present a section on importance of including zinc in a healthy diet, as preliminary studies show that zinc is helpful in preventing diabetes risk in females. If in case you are not interested in receiving this newsletter, kindly reply with "delete gems" in the subject line to geeta@jothydev.net
JDC Diabetes Gems Team
Jothydev's Diabetes and Research Centre
Trivandrum, Kerala, INDIA

Jothydev's Diabetes Center, Trivandrum is an International Center for Insulin Pump Therapy. |
1. Don’t take pre diabetes lightly |
2. Role of Continuous Glucose Monitoring in modifying Diet and Lifestyles in Diabetes subjects |
3. New insights into the working of Metformin |
4. New findings on how high Blood Sugar damages blood vessels |
5. Zinc rich food useful for females with T2DM |
The Newsletter team: |
Chief Editor
Dr. Jothydev Kesavadev |
Sub Editor |
Dr. Arun Shankar |
Editor |
Neethu Annie Simon |
This newsletter is published for free distribution through the Internet for doctors, patients and public for promoting healthy lifestyles. For enquiries, please contact Sunitha Jothydev, CAO, Jothydev’s Diabetes Centre, Trivandrum .
Please visit: http://www.jothydev.net |