1. Screening for diabetes in India should be initiated at 25 years age

Screening for diabetes in India should be initiated at 25 years age

      Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is increasingly seen in young individuals in India, particularly when they are overweight/obese. A recent study published in Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews revealed that the screening for diabetes in India should start at 25 years in non-pregnant adults instead of 30 years as currently stipulated.

The research involved investigators from seven different regions of India including Jothydev’s Diabetes Research Centre which provided data regarding patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) aged 30 years or less. The study also reviewed relevant studies which discuss the scenario.

Based on the analysis of the available data, the research underlined the fact there exists an increasing prevalence of T2D in individuals 30 years and less and about 3/4th of them had overweight/obesity. Hence, the recommendation was put forth that screening for diabetes in India should start at 25 years in non-pregnant adults instead of 30 years as currently stipulated.

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