5. Gems Picture of the Month

670G approved by US FDA

The US Food & Drug Administration has approved Medtronic’s MiniMed 670G hybrid closed loop insulin pump and Guardian continuous glucose monitoring sensor, Guardian Sensor 3. This is a major milestone for diabetes technology a little over a decade after the “artificial pancreas” project in 2005 was launched. The MiniMed 670G system features an advanced algorithm to date, the SmartGuard HCL, which enables greater glucose control with reduced user input. 670G will reduce time at dangerous high and low blood sugar levels, improve time-in-range, reduce glucose variability, bring much greater nighttime safety and target morning blood sugars. The system uses new Guardian Sensor 3, the first and only sensor approved by the FDA to control a hybrid closed loop system. This is the second-generation Artificial Pancreas(AP) for India since 640G was the first-generation AP made available in India since Sep 2015.

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