Dear Friends,
Apart from diabetes and heart attacks, various forms of cancers can also occur due to lifestyle disorders. Does over eating, over weight and diabetes predispose to cancer? Yes.
This ninth issue of JDC GEMS reassures safety of currently available newer and older insulin. We also present a section on smart insulin pumps to manage diabetes and one on exercise goals to prevent heart attack in diabetes.
If in case you are not interested in receiving this newsletter, kindly reply with "delete gems" in the subject line to geeta@jothydev.net
JDC Diabetes Gems Team
Jothydev's Diabetes and Research Centre,
Trivandrum, Kerala, INDIA
http://www.jothydev.net |
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Diabetes,Cancer And Confusions
The world is now facing the epidemic of over weight, obesity and diabetes, which in turn also increase the incidences of cancer. Insulin originally discovered in 1921 is still the gold standard for the management of diabetes ........ |
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Miraculous solution for diabetes and overweight
New diabetic drug liraglutide for the treatment of diabetes and weight reduction is approved in Europe. European commission granted marketing authorisation of VICTOZA . This new drug is developed by Novo Nordisk for the treatment ........
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Smart Insulin Pump To Manage Diabetes
Smart insulin pumps with bolus wizard function are becoming popular and rapidly catching up in India. Pumps with real time glucose sensing are also been largely used. Dr.Jothydev Kesavadev, Jothydev’s Diabetes And Research Centre ........ |
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JDC Updates
Diabscreen Kerala conducted a free camp at Paripally. This camp was organised by Kesavadev trust in association with Rotary Club of Paripally at Panchayat Association hall on June 28, 2009 ........ |
The Newsletter team: |
Chief Editor
Dr. Jothydev Kesavadev |
Sub Editor |
Dr. Arun Shankar |
Editor |
Neethu Annie Simon |
This newsletter is published for free distribution through the Internet for doctors, patients and public for promoting healthy lifestyles. For enquiries, please contact Sunitha Jothydev, CAO, Jothydev’s Diabetes Centre, Trivandrum .
Please visit: http://www.jothydev.net |