8. Gems picture of the month

JPEF 2022

JPEF 2022

Jothydev's Professional Education Forum (JPEF) was established with the sole objective of imparting basic and advanced knowledge in diabetes for professionals involved in the care of diabetes. Diabetes is a very complex disorder where the success of treatment depends on teamwork, updated knowledge of professionals and commitment to continuous learning. Started in 2013, this was the 10th year of JPEF. JPEF has reached a milestone. Being the 10th year, the theme for this year was 'Action@10'. The 10th JPEF explored the stateof-art approaches and the latest advancements in diabetes care and technologies. JPEF impart the best to modern medicine doctors and the entire team for the successful in clinical management of diabetes. In addition to major global annual conventions, mini JPEF CMEs are being organized very frequently.

This newsletter is published for free distribution through the Internet for doctors, patients and public for promoting healthy lifestyles.
For enquiries info@jothydev.net.
Please visit: jothydev.net | research.jothydev.com | diabscreenkerala.net | jothydev.com/newsletter