Dear Friends,
We are proud to publish in gems,the study results on the efficacy and safety of Liraglutide in Indian type 2 diabetes patients, presented at ADA 72nd sessions at Philadelphia, USA last month. We are happy to introduce 'JDC GEMS Picture of the Month' from this issue onwards.
Other articles include importance of breakfast in type 2 diabetes prevention, how machoism and weight loss go hand in hand, the relevance of the new insulin ‘Degludec’ etc. The video in Malayalam is on when to start Insulin in diabetes.
If in case you are not interested in receiving this free monthly newsletter, kindly reply with "delete gems" in the subject line to gems@jothydev.net with a copy to annie@jothydev.net.
JDC Diabetes Gems Team
Jothydev's Diabetes and Research Centre,
Trivandrum, Kerala, INDIA

When to start Insulin? |

Picture of the Month
